Paddling Memory Lane – Trembleur Lake


My first trip into Trembleur Lake was in the fall of 1985. Along with my brother Alan and a friend we took two, small, outboard powered boats up the Tachie River, the waterway connecting Trembleur and Stuart Lake. It took most of a day to travel the 19 miles of river as we cautiously threaded through the rock gardens and labored up the rapids. Over the years we re-visited Trembleur many times. With each passing year the boats got bigger and faster, more comfortable too. From 14ft, aluminum car-toppers to 22ft riverboats with inboard V8 engines, jet drives, radio telephones and back-up motors for emergencies. In 1996 I got interested in kayaking and then addicted my brother to it. I built a kayak from fiberglass and plywood and he bought a plastic boat fondly dubbed “Tupperware.” Separately and together over the next few years we did a fair bit of paddling and short kayak camping trips.

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